February 25, 2010

Teething and Caleb's Play Time

He is chewing on everything!  Right now he has his two bottom teeth that are peeking through.  Every morning Jarred and I check to see if they are any bigger, but sadly this has been going on for over a week now.  One day, they will be showing through big and clear!  The little things in life are so fun and exciting!
I have been putting Caleb on his activity mat with plenty of toys hanging, so he can grab and chew all he wants.  He is content for a long time just squealing and chewing some more.  The thing around him is called a "boppy" which helps hold him a little bit while he is sitting and gives him a cushion when he is just done with sitting.  Its like all of sudden he decides he is whipped and just lays back and chills.
You can see how Caleb grabs onto things and just holds on for dear life!  Good thing the activity mat poles are nice and secure and springy.

February 24, 2010

Caleb and Mommy at Subway

Jarred took a Monday off and spent the day hanging out with Caleb and I.  This is at one of my favorite eateries, Subway!  Once Jarred introduced me to how good sub sandwiches could be loaded with tons of veggies, well, I was hooked.  Plus, Jarred and I can split the famous $5 footlong, for now.  Once Caleb starts to eat big people food, we may have to splurge for more.

February 22, 2010

Caleb during tummy time

I learned that if I get to one side of Caleb during tummy time, he lays his head to the side and hangs out for a while.  It was too cute.
Caleb has learned to sit up, for the most part, on his own.  We are still practicing.
There's his adorable smile!!
This reminds me a little bit of the "Matich" smile!  Caleb is getting so big and growing up so much.

Caleb came down with a little cold last week with a cough, so once he is all better we are going to begin giving him some rice cereal.  He is ready for it, so it will be a fun adventure.

Caleb after a nap

Caleb managed to twist himself during his nap and just looked up at me smiling. 

Caleb loves his toes!

Caleb found his toes!  It is too funny watching him grab them and just hang on.  I found him in his bed after a nap with one of his socks next to his head soaking wet-he took his sock off and must have just played with it for far too long.  He just looks up at you and smiles and giggles.  How will we ever say "no" to this cute little guy.

Caleb and Daddy

February 2, 2010

4 Month Check-Up & Family Update

We had Caleb's 4 month check up this past Friday.  Caleb is as we suspected: growing, healthy and growing some more!!  He is in the 90th percentile weighing in at 16.6lbs and measuring 26".  He is right where he should be following his little, well, big curve.  He received more of his shots which is so hard to watch, but I was prepared this time giving him tylenol right when we got there.  So, we both had a better day than his 2 month check-up visit.  The things Caleb is currently doing which is right on schedule is: rolling from his stomach to his back, some giggling, coo-ing, reaching for things, following things with his eyes around the room, and putting his hands together like he is scheming or praying (haha).  The things he will begin doing the next couple of months is grow in a few teeth (can't necessarily control this one), rolling and scooting more, sitting up, and eating some baby food.  The doctor thinks there is this 4-6 month window where either a child can eat with a spoon or not and won't ever.  After reading and talking to other mothers, is not the case.  So, Jarred and I are going to play it by ear and see how Caleb is doing.  We may introduce rice cereal with applesauce in a month, month in a half or so, or wait till he is at 6 months.  We are going to see if Caleb acts like he is still hungry after nursing or if we just get daring enough to try it out.  As parents, we feel like we have mostly gotten the hang of Caleb's schedule now and understand whats going on, so to go into this new stage of unfamiliar territory of eating food is a little daunting.  So, we will refer to our books and to our large community of friends with kiddos to see what is all suggested and go from there.  We are excited about the new stage that is upon us.  Not a day goes by that Jarred and I don't look at Caleb and think, "what were our lives like without him," or "we love this little guy SO much."  Parenthood is suiting us!!

Besides being parents, we are both pretty busy with other things.  Jarred is certainly busier than I with work, taking a class before he pins on Captain, doing some refresher studying before school starts, projects around the house before we sell and I am sure there is more.  He is always doing something.  Jarred is certainly ready for this assignment in Albuquerque to be over and for our new chapter in Ohio to begin.  He is ready for school, but also a little unsure as to how it will be like being a student again, but this time with a family.  I could not imagine.  Praise God that school will be his only job.  We are very fortunate that the Air Force allows you to only go to school and not work as well.  On the homefront, I am working on random projects during nap times around the house.  I am not able to do too much, but once you have a child, you realize how much you are capable of doing in such a small time window.  So besides the normal house work and house projects, I am still working for the monument company on a few projects.  I am able to do all of my work from home which is a huge blessing and only go in for about an hour or so once a week to check in, make copies, and pick up my pay stubs.  I am pretty lucky to have such a flexible schedule.  Well, I think that is all for now.  Have a blessed rest of the week!

Master Caleb

Caleb sitting at the head of the table for dinner with some friends.
Caleb listening intently to the adult conversations.
Caleb doesn't know why Mommy has to capture everything with a picture.

Tummy Time

Caleb is getting a lot better at wanting to stay on his tummy.  We will get this little boy crawling in t-minus 4 months, right on schedule.  The next "big" thing for Caleb will be to start eating baby food and sitting up.