March 24, 2010

Caleb in His Jumper

This is Caleb's new big toy.  It took him a couple times to get use to what this jumper is.  We also had to put a book under his feet so he could reach (I can't believe he isn't heavy or tall enough yet.).  So, once a day for about half an hour, Caleb gets to go in his jumper and just jumps and coos away!  He loves it now!

Caleb & Daddy

March 22, 2010

Our House is Officially on the Market

We did it!  We finished our projects finally and we put our house in the market last night.  We have a website that we set up to display all the information for our house.  If you would like to see pictures of our house and everything we have done, check it out!

March 21, 2010

Johnson's and Burley's Together Again

Our best friends, the Johnson's, came to stay at the Burley Hotel.  We love their visits and love getting to see Caleb's future wife, Hadley.  She has grown up so much and is too fun!  We will be really sad to move knowing we won't get to see them as often.  (I tear up thinking about it.)  But.......that just means we will have to plan some fun adventures with them!

Caleb being cute.........nuff' said

Caleb fell asleep with his toy in his hands.  Super cute.

March 20, 2010

Caleb Ready For Food

Caleb ready for some grub: bib on, one sock off, and the serious stare.  Caleb is doing "okay" eating solids; we are going to introduce more tasty items starting this weekend with some something orange.  The rice cereal with applesauce is getting a bit old I think.  Who can blame him?

Caleb, Penny and Daddy

Caleb was trying so hard to keep a hold of Penny's ear and put it in his mouth!  Right now, Caleb wants EVERYTHING in his mouth.  Caleb is trying to figure out who and what Penny is too.  This was his first real encounter with Penny, at least where Caleb was more interested in Penny than the other way around.  I think they will be good friends.  We are looking forward to the days when Caleb will be crawling after Penny and throwing her toy to her!
Great picture of Caleb and Daddy!

March 12, 2010

Andrea's New Hairdo

This is my new hairdo.  I had to have Caleb in the picture with me so you could all see how big he is getting!  Those jammies are 6-9 months!!  Just an FYI, Caleb is staring at Penny-he just figured out who and what Penny was.  So now he just stares at Penny and tries to grab her.

Caleb and His Socks

Caleb pulling on his socks as usual!
 This would Caleb after a nap time with his socks off his feet and over his head!  He is too cute!