April 28, 2010

Caleb's Dinner

Meeting Grandpa & Grandma-Great Burley

Oregon Adventures Continued.......

Oregon Adventures

Walking to town.  That's what you do in Jacksonville, OR.  We walked to the post office, the bank, the coffee shop, etc.  It was fabulously wonderful!  Caleb loved being outside and seeing all the new sites and hang out with his Aunt Katie and Uncle Bryant.

We stopped at a Gelato place and indulged ourselves.  Unfortunately, Caleb didn't get to try any, but he did get to try out their straws.
Look at those blue eyes!!  We think they are going to stay that way.
Uncle Bryant was showing Caleb a sesame street video on the ipod.  It was hard to tell if Caleb was interested in the video, or if he just trying to figure out how to get it into his mouth.  (Caleb's top front teeth were starting to come in, so he was wanting to chew on EVERYTHING!!)
Jarred got into Oregon on Friday night, so he helped me give Caleb a bath.  A little boy in a BIG bath tub.  Too cute!!
On Saturday, Bryant and Katie took us into Ashland where we walked did more walking around this cute college town.  We had a lovely lunch and just enjoyed being outside and hanging out.
Jarred especially enjoyed seeing Caleb and I after a whole week.  He did a little "off-roading" with Caleb in the stroller and was just goofy with Caleb.  Daddy and Son.........fun times.
I bought Caleb a hat while we were there to keep the sun off his head and face.  I am not sure if he liked it too much.  First of all, the hat is ginormous on his head, so it kept slipping over his eyes.  Second of all, it wasn't too sunny in Ashland, so it might have been pointless for him to wear it.  LOL.  Mommy and Son.....this is only the beginning of the goofy things I will have him wear.  :)
We went to this winery in Applegate which was absolutely incredible.  It was really sunny there, so Jarred slapped on Caleb's sunscreen and put on his cute hat again!!
If you can't tell, Jarred gave Caleb a little mohawk!!
A view from our seats on the patio.
Caleb being goofy with Uncle Bryant.  You can see his two bottom teeth in this picture (Caleb's not Bryant's).

April 9, 2010

Easter Weekend

Grandpa and Grandma Burley came down to Albuquerque for Easter.  We had a great time spending time together and playing with Caleb.  Grandma Burley took on the daunting task of feeding Caleb some solids; needless to say, she had the grandmother's touch and now Caleb eats like a champ!!!  Now, if we can Caleb drinking from a bottle........we were going to try over Easter weekend, but we wanted more practice with eating solids.  Bottles, sippy cups, and formula can wait a couple more weeks.