July 19, 2010

Laundry Time

Jarred discovered my trick of putting Caleb in the laundry basket to keep him still.  So as I folded the laundry, Jarred thought I should also keep an eye on Caleb in the basket!  We had a good time as always!

Week with Papa & Nana

Caleb and I went to Papa & Nana's house to help out with Mom's knee surgery and to be a good distraction.  Caleb was more of a distraction than I was.  Meanwhile, Jarred went to Dayton, Ohio to find us a place to live.  We learned from moving to Albuquerque 3 years ago that it is a good idea to have a place to live before you arrive, just so you aren't doing something crazy like living out of hotels and your relator's house for a few months!  Anyways, in the above pictures shows a common occurrence over our week with Claeb sitting on Nana's lap and using the pill bottle as a rattle!
Caleb got a ride around the house from his Papa.  Penny was so confused and Caleb was equally confused, but enjoyed the ride!
Auntie Katie and Caleb having some bonding time.  
This photo is priceless!
One of the many walks with Papa.  Papa would take Caleb out for a walk during Caleb's "grumpy" times and give him some new scenery.  Caleb is chill-laxing!
One walk Caleb came back passed out and ready for nap time!
Caleb had so many visitors, I mean.....Nana had so many visitors one being Nana-Great!
Uncle Stephen came down from Fort Collins and got to hang out with his nephew!
Caleb would pull himself up on Nana's crutches as she was walking in the house and as Papa tried to pull Caleb away, well......he just would not let go!  Caleb loves hanging upside down for some reason!
I found a hamper that turned into another toy and walker for Caleb.

We had a very eventful week with family to say the least.........Caleb was truly a good distraction for Nana and all of us.  It was hard to come home and watch Caleb by myself as he crawls like a mad-man through the house and pulling himself up on everything, even walls.  He tried to pull himself up on Penny one morning.....um, that didn't work out so well.

4th of July Weekend

We went to Colorado for the 4th of July and spent the weekend with Grandpa & Grandma Burley.  Caleb was pulling himself up on EVERYTHING, including this diaper box which doubled as a "walker."  It was quite fun watching him try to walk with the help of his grandparents and Penny of course.  Penny seems to be where the action is always.
Grandpa & Grandma babysat Caleb one night for us, so we could have an official date night.  We hadn't had one of those in a long time.  I think Caleb had more fun though with his grandparents joining him on the floor to play!  (Jarred got a good kick out of seeing his parents on the floor too)  Caleb is sure spoiled!
We had a such a great time and are looking forward to hanging out more before we depart to Ohio in just a few weeks.