May 20, 2011

Family of Four

Our Family of Four and a half.  Penny had to make her way in the picture as well!

Our New Little One - Anna Kate Cecilia

 Anna Kate Cecilia Burley was born May 12, 2011 at 12:55pm.  She weighed in at 7lbs 9.4oz and measured 20.2 in.
 Not too long after delivery.
 Proud Daddy and Incredible Husband.

 Caleb meeting his "Baby Sister" for the first time.  Here he is pointing at her and saying, "Baby, baby."

 Caleb was really excited to hold Anna Kate.
 Here he is giving her a hug.

 Caleb really likes getting under blankets and laying his head on a pillow.  He was too excited to play in my hospital bed.
 Anna Kate's "going home" outfit!  Yes, she is wearing a hoody!!
 Caleb doesn't quite know how to hold her yet, so we have to chaperon.  He loves to hold her though and is getting more and more protective of her.  This morning, Penny, our dog, was licking her sock-covered feet and Caleb went over and told Penny, "no."  He is a good Big Brother already! 

Fun Pictures of Caleb

 Caleb loves the camera these days and says, "Cheese," every time he sees a, we are taking a ton of random pictures of our cutie!
 Here Caleb is planting grass with Daddy, or playing in the dirt!  He had SO much fun getting dirty!

Caleb loves talking on the phone and jabbering in his own language.  It is hysterical to watch him!