June 15, 2010

Day to Day Adventures

Caleb helps me open the mail everyday!  He loves the feel of all the paper and tries to rip the sheets apart.  Its pretty entertaining!
Penny just sits next to us and watches.  He does try to eat the paper sometimes, no worries, nothing is actually consumed.
Laundry time!  He likes to bounce on his booty on our bed and watch me fold.  Sometimes he reaches for something and tries to chew on it, or tries to play with the laundry basket.
I caught Caleb in between chewing one of his toys (notice the intense slobber).  I just loved his bright blue eyes in this picture!
Caleb loves this stuffed animal that Aunt Katie and Uncle Bryant got him.  He mainly likes to roll over it and chew its bright orange tail.  Its pretty funny watching him.

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