June 21, 2010

Visit from Nana & Nana-Great

Nana and Nana-Great came to visit us.  Jarred had to have surgery on his wrist to remove melanoma (pictures to come later), so since he needed someone at the hospital with him, the "Nanas" came to help out.  They watched Caleb most of the day and had a blast!  Not wanting to brag or anything, but they said "he was the easiest baby to watch."  I just want to know why he doesn't appear that easy with just me. ;)  It was such a blessing to have them here to help out, so I could fulfill my wifely duties and help Jarred.  Jarred is doing well, still has stitches in his wrist, but the doctors got everything and nothing spread.  Praise God for watching out for him.
Gotta love Caleb's smile!
 Notice Penny hanging out with them!
Caleb really loves to stand!  I feel like he will be walking sooner than we all think.
The "contemplative" Caleb look.

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