April 12, 2011

Spring Break Fun

When we got home from Colorado, Daddy made Caleb some strawberry popsicles.  Caleb loved them!

I love my blue-eyed boy!
We took Caleb to the Boonshoft Childrens Museum.  There is an entire floor for children under 6!  The above picture is the "sand-like" pit where there is rubber sand that he can dig and shovel.
This is one of the tunnels just Caleb's size he can crawl and walk through.
Fun slide!
Caleb wanted to try EVERYTHING!

He really liked driving all the trucks.  The 2nd floor has a ton of other fun stuff to explore.
This is Caleb making pizza with Daddy.  He wasn't quite tall enough to reach, so Jarred put him on the counter to dig into the plastic pizza toppings!
The museum had a TON of buttons for Caleb to push!  He had so much fun that we went ahead and bought the year membership.  I am hoping to take Caleb at least every other week if not more.  It is a fun place to just hang out, and we can bring our lunch in if we wanted.

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