June 24, 2011

Cool Park

 We found this WAY cool park through my Mom's group.  It is in a great neighborhood, one we would LOVE to live in, not too far from us, and has lots to do.  We went with Daddy on Monday to check the place out and let Caleb get the lay of the land, then Mommy and Caleb went back with the mom's group on Thursday!  We had such a great time both days!
 Here is the giant sandbox equipped with buckets, shovels, and a water thingy.
 It is hard to tell, but this is the splash pad with basically a lot of fun sprinklers to run through!  Caleb was a little unsure, but got the hang of it.
 There is a climbing area, a bit too big for Caleb, but we found a few places he could hang on.
 A playground with a climbing tunnel and slide.

Our sweet boy!

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