June 11, 2011

Everyday Life

 Caleb watching Daddy mow the grass.  He always sets both chairs up together, never just one.  I can't wait till Anna Kate can sit next to him!
 Out of the blue, Caleb went crawling on his knees down the hallway and thought it was too cool!  He laughed the whole way!
 Miss Anna Kate sleeping......she sleeps a lot, but believe it or not, she is sleeping less during the day now and MORE at night which is so nice!  Shhh.....don't tell too many moms of newborns, but this girl is sleeping 5-6 hours at a time now at night, then another 3-4.  It is glorious!
 I can't leave these two kiddos alone if Anna Kate is on the floor because I turn around and Caleb wants to lay next to her.  Nothing wrong with some sibling bonding time, except when Caleb doesn't quite understand space and how big he is.  Caleb sits on the floor, then lays back not looking behind or beside him.  It is cute, but a little scary.
And, I thought it would be fun to try and take a picture with my cuties!  Not the most flattering of me, but thats okay.  Wow, for a newborn, Anna Kate is tanner than both Caleb and I. :)  Love her big eyes!

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