August 3, 2011

Caleb and Anna Kate

I will find Caleb hanging out with his sister a lot during the day.  He tells her stories and tries to play with her.  Too cute for words!
A little grin caught on camera!
There she is smiling at her older brother!
After we took Caleb to the railroad festival back in June, he has also come to love trains or as he puts it, "choo choo."  He use to say train, but now just says "choo, choo."  We also let him watch Thomas the Tank Engine on tv, plus he has a really cool Thomas book that has buttons to push with music!  Since he LOVES trains so much, I went on a small hunt to find him one.  In my head I envisioned "matchbox, metal" trains, but there aren't any that I found.  So, I went with a talking "James" train from the Thomas shows.  He toots, lights up and makes train noises.  It has been a hit!  Caleb played with it for days straight.  Now, instead of just playing with the train, we are playing with ALL things with wheels: tractors, cars, trucks, trains, etc.  He plays for hours rolling them all through the house, under stuff, lining them up, etc.  It is fun to watch but also play with him!
There is a little close up of the train with the light in front.  Oh, and the trains connect by magnet.  I am thinking that if we add to the set, all of them could connect magnetically.  Pretty cool.

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