November 3, 2011

New venture

We finally did it...........we started a photography business.  I know, I know, like we don't have anything else going on in our lives with 2 kids, bible studies, thesis, school, and life in general, is a passion of both Jarred and I and honestly, we see it as a great outlet and hobby for us.  We aren't looking to make a ton of a money, just enough to pay for our hobby.  After encouragement from friends and a pre-jidder photo shoot with some good friends, we jumped right in and made it official.  We are in the process of building our portfolio, figuring out pricing, picture packages, editing, etc, so we don't have a business license yet or a website, but we are getting there.  Right now, I am going out and taking the pictures while my fabulous husband watches the kids, then we both, mostly Jarred, edits the pictures.  Our name will be J&A Burley Photography.  We are super excited for this new venture and look forward to where it takes us and the new people we will meet in the process!  If you all would be praying for us as we begin this new chapter, we would greatly appreciate it.  I will send a link to our new photo business blog when I get it up and running!  Love you all!

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