November 23, 2011

Quick Trip to Colorado

Anna Kate and I went to Colorado for a quick weekend for Katie's baby shower!  We arrived late Thursday night and left in the wee hours Sunday morning.  We had a good weekend and Anna Kate got spoiled rotten which was good and bad.  Good for her, bad for me when we got home :)
Uncle Stephen is a "fire artist" now, so he put on a performance for us which was a little unnerving at moments, but quite impressive!
Uncle Bryant got lots of Anna Kate time.
The guys went shooting before the baby shower, "practice in anticipation of having a girl" I guess.
Uncle Stephen's first picture with Anna Kate although he did meet her back in September.
The food for the baby shower.
We didn't want to do a traditional diaper cake (too many diapers to take home), so I made some diaper cupcakes!  I wrapped a diaper in a coffee filter and put a sock in the center as "frosting."
We put some boxes together with almonds inside to go along with our "bird/owl" theme, stamped a piece of paper with an owl for the top and tied some twine around the box to complete the look.
Our FAVORITE crafty thing we did were the cupcakes!  The owls weren't an original idea, but what we used for them were.  We used mini oreos for the eyes, with a mini m'n'm in the center, cut a skittle in half for the nose and used almond slices for the feathers.  The "nests" were just coconut with jelly beans in the center.

My sister LOVES owls, so I made some personalized thank yous for her.  I used my friend, Ashley's "thank you" stamp that I had seen her use before, so I borrowed her idea and used it with an owl instead of an elephant that she used.
We had a onesie decorating station which was SO fun.  I didn't get any pictures of the final product, but I am sure we will see some with Miss Kinsey wearing them!
Aunt Katie and her niece.
6 months old already!  At her appointment, Anna Kate weighed 17 lbs, 15 oz and measured a whopping 26.8"!  She is growing SO fast and so is her cute hair!
This was one of the most gorgeous wrapping I have seen done by Miss Jocelyn.  She stamped owls on the paper!

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