January 7, 2012

Random Fun

This is Caleb's new thing-getting on stools.  He wants to be taller to see what we see.  Lugging a chair up from downstairs to the upstairs, to our bathroom, no less, was not part of the deal though :)
Caleb has been praying for snow ever since he saw his Papa with a snowball on skype, so our good friends and neighbors, Nate and Ashley, gave us some "instant snow" in a can.  It was a hit!!  We added water and watched it form into snow.  So cool!  Its not sticky enough to make a snowman, so we are still praying for snow, but Caleb had a great time!
Anna Kate is eating cheerios now!  It is so fun to watch her grasp things with her little fingers.

This is Caleb's gingerbread house!  We went to a "gingerbread house making party" which was such a cool idea and this was our creation.  All we, Jarred and I, did was put the icing on and help form the house structure-Caleb did the rest!

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