March 27, 2012

Jarred's Graduation Festivities

Awards Ceremony: Jarred received the Polk Award.
Graduation.  This was the best picture I got of him on the screen receiving his Masters of Science from the Air Force Institute of Technology
My handsome graduate.
Jarred's parents came to celebrate with us!
A few of our good friends that we have made here in Dayton who will all be moving in just a week.
Jarred and his thesis adviser, Dr. Firino.
Most of the my Biscuit Breakfast Ladies! 
Jarred with Josh and Dan.
Jarred with Nate, Josh, and Dan.
Good laughter after such a grueling 18 months.
A surprise baby shower for one of our favorite people, Karina.
The last Biscuit Breakfast at our house.  We all started AFIT together and remained close through it, and now we are all off in our separate directions.

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