March 13, 2012

MANY Firsts

Caleb LOVES doing crafts with us!  I have found that Joanne's has a ton of $1 crafts which are perfect for Caleb's age.  On a cold Saturday morning, Caleb and Daddy painted a plastic stained glass star and a wood frog.

A couple days before Anna Kate's 9month appointment, which was really at 9 1/2 months, Anna Kate started crawling!!!  What a relief!  She was such a needy grump not being able to get where she wanted to go, but now she truly is loving life more and more.  Her first crawl was perfect, it was really funny.  It was like she had to perfect her crawl before she would do it for us.  

At her 9month appointment, she weighed 19 lbs 15 oz and measured 27.7" long.  She at 6 teeth still, but she is pretty much eating all table food.  It was like overnight that she decided she only wanted table food.  She LOVES all meat (lunch meat, ground turkey, ground beef, chicken), peas, carrots, cheese, grapes, blueberries, sweet potato fries, and much more!  

Caleb decided he wanted to be potty trained.  Oh, yes, he decided.  We bought "big boy" underwear for him thinking we would have it on hand for when we thought he was ready which we were anticipating another month or 2.  Not the case for Caleb, he wanted to start that day.  It was Sunday afternoon and he put on his underwear and after he went through his nap dry, he had 4 accidents in a matter of a couple hours right after.  Uhhh, no.  I was not emotionally ready for this.  So, we went back to diapers for the week thinking we would start that Friday after I read more tips and had a weekend to devote to hanging out in the bathroom.  Friday morning, I asked Caleb if he wanted to wear underwear, he didn't, so I thought I was in the clear for a bit, nope.  That afternoon, he was ready and we haven't gone back since.  He had a few days where we did diapers at night, but he proved he could keep it dry, so here we are a one diapered booty family!  Caleb is doing great.  He has his moments, but as long as we take him every hour, he does good.  Its a lot more work then changing a diaper, but its cheaper and its good for me to have one more thing to remember in my day.  The above picture and the following couple are of Caleb's first time going poop in the potty!  It was a huge celebration equipped with a "big" sucker and then a new toy that night.

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