June 8, 2012

April Trip: Third Stop, Baltimore/Andrews AFB

We headed to Baltimore after my sister's to hang out at a great hotel for a night with a pool, huge complimentary breakfast, great family dinner and just "us."  I didn't get any pictures of the pool because I didn't want to get the camera wet with both kiddos, so take my word for it, both Caleb and Anna Kate had a great time.  The next day, we took our time and then headed to Andrews AFB to stay with some good friends, Josh and Karina, from Dayton.  They had just left the end of March, so it was good to see familiar faces.  They were gracious to have us stay with them in their "temporary housing."
  Josh showed Caleb his guitar and drum.  Caleb LOVED banging on the drum and strumming the guitar.

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