August 28, 2012

Fire Station 41

I don't remember if I had read somewhere or just heard from someone that anyone can visit a fire station and get a tour.  Caleb LOVES Curious George and we have been reading one of the many stories, "Curious George and the Fire Fighters."  Caleb is a very inquisitive boy who asks "why" and "what's this" ALL day long, and he had a lot of questions about fire stations, fire fighters and he wanted to drive a truck.  So, I called the volunteer coordinator and scheduled a tour for today with some of our friends.  None of us moms ever remember going to a fire house, so I think we were as excited as the kiddos.

 Firefighter Scott gave the kiddos plastic helmets and official junior firefighter stickers which was WAY COOL!
 I couldn't get Anna Kate to stay still long enough with the helmet on to get a quick picture, so this is what we got.
 All piled in the back of the fire truck.
 Caleb driving the truck!

 Caleb was so excited about being at the firehouse.  He actually asked about different things, answered questions, and was the only one who wanted to try on the official jacket.  This was Caleb and Firefighter Scott.

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