October 12, 2012

Birthday Weekend

 Caleb wanted a "big cake" so we made a big cake together.  He picked out the color, flavor and decorated it with all of his lightening mcqueens and maters from his first birthday!  He loved it!
 Anna Kate liked eating it too.  I am not sure what was up with her pig tails :)
 We got Caleb a tricycle for his birthday this year!  He is growing up WAY too fast!

 This is Caleb's bike from last year-he is WAY too big for it now!  I cannot believe how much he has changed.
 We had his soccer game Saturday morning.  This is his 2nd game, he did much better although it was only 42 degrees outside :)

Don't worry, I just bought him a new hat today since apparently his head grew since the last time he wore a hat :)

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