December 23, 2009

December 22, 2009

Caleb and Mommy

Caleb still likes cuddling with his Mommy!

Daddy and Caleb

Do you see the resemblance?   Caleb is looking more and more like his Daddy everyday!  Love it!

Best Buddies

Hadley and Caleb!  Aren't they precious?  Below you will see Hadley giving Caleb a kiss.  She kisses with her mouth open!  Too cute!  Carly and I really want to be related some day - so we will see if Hadley and Caleb hook up later in life :)  Hadley is only 6 months older than Caleb, and I am 8 months older than Jarred, so you never know.  Anything could happen!

December 18, 2009

Caleb's Christmas Present

We gave Caleb his Christmas present early this year.  It is an activity mat that has different objects that hang from it, a mirror and a singing/glowing sun.  It is really cute watching Caleb under it.  He talks to the sun and to himself a lot!  Caleb really likes the Christmas tree too-he just stares at the lights and seem to not get enough of all of the colors.  He continues to grow and get cuter every day.  We are really enjoying "talking" to him and carrying on a lot of baby conversations.

One night I went to my recipe club which I go to once a month and Jarred watched Caleb which was so nice.  I got home and Jarred told me that he and Caleb had a long conversation.  I asked him what they talked about and Jarred said which was too cute, "I have no idea, but we talked for a long time."  Our days are certainly never boring!

December 2, 2009

Caleb is 8 weeks old!!!

Well, its official, I am going to need to start lifting weights.  Caleb had his 2 month check-up and he is now 13 pounds, 4 ounces and measuring at 24" long!!!  He is in the 90th percentile!  We have a very healthy boy indeed. 

His 2 month check-up was a little hard on me though.  Caleb had his first round of shots.  He took them like a trooper, but it was so hard watching the little guy get shots.  His cry was so distinctive that it hurt bad.  Poor little guy.  So, for most of the day, the little guy just slept and cried when he was ready to eat.  I finally called a friend who has 5 kiddos to see what I could do for Caleb and she said I could give him a small dose of Children's Tylenol.  After that, he snapped out of it.  What a blessing and a relief.

Last night, Jarred and I took Caleb to my work Christmas dinner.  He was a hit!  Everyone was so surprised that he didn't cry.  Why would a happy baby want to cry?  He is such a good baby, growing everyday, coo-ing and smiling more and more!  He is a lot of fun.  Jarred and I could not imagine our lives without him.  He is a true blessing and delight!  We don't want him to grow up too fast, but we can't wait till he can talk a little!