August 24, 2010

New Things for Caleb

I don't have any pictures for all of these new Caleb occurrences, but I thought I would share what all he is doing now.  It is just so fun and hopefully I can get a snap shot of a few of them.

1.  Clapping his hands
2.  Rolling his arms for the "Patty-Cake" rhyme
3.  Waving or "flapping" his arm to say hello (still working on goodbye)
4.  Trying to snap his fingers
5.  Talking on the telephone (picking up anything that might resemble a phone and saying "hi")--we just bought him a new toy telephone to practice his skills
6.  Saying "hi"
7.  Standing on his own for almost a full minute
8.  Eating lots of finger foods (loves cheese and berries)
9.  Starting to enjoy ice cream (it took him some time to get over the cold sensation)
10. Last, but not least, giving hugs.  Mainly to myself, but we are working on teaching him to give more hugs.

Caleb is too fun and too cute for words.  More pictures to come of him and of our new home.  Although I am unpacked, nothing is tip-top shape for pictures quite yet.  Stay tuned for more.

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