July 24, 2011

Brother & Sister Moment

Here is Miss Anna Kate at 8 weeks old!!  She is getting SO big.  We have her 2 month check-up this week, so we will see how much she has grown-so exciting!

I had to get Caleb in a photo with Anna Kate to see them together.  They look somewhat alike, but I am sure as Anna Kate gets bigger, we will see more resemblances than just their big eyes.
Caleb, "All done, all done" as he pushes his sister away.
Please Daddy, all done.
Can I go now? (Caleb tried to reason with his Daddy using his eyes for inflection!)  Anna Kate is so ready for this to be done as well!
'Okay, I am out of here,' as Caleb leaves and Anna Kate is just disgusted-haha!

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