July 24, 2011

2 Months Already!!

 Here is our baby girl, Anna Kate, at 2 months.  I cannot believe she is already 10 weeks old this week.  Time is sure flying by this time around, perhaps going non-stop ALL day everyday chasing a toddler and taking care of a baby does that!  I am loving every minute of it!

At Anna Kate's 2 month appointment, she weighed in at 13lbs 9oz (93 %tile) and measured 23.5" long (74%tile).  Pretty incredible that babies can grow that fast.  She is sleeping up to 9 hours now at night which is a HUGE blessing, and will be moving to her own room soon.  Caleb will have to share his room with her soon enough though, but not until we can transition him into a "big boy" bed.  It seems like life with kiddos is full of transitions!
 Here is Caleb's 2 month picture where he was 13lbs 14oz and 24"long!!
 Here are my two cuties!  Anna Kate was smiling at her big brother!  She is cooing and smiling already which is so much faster than Caleb did (I am not complaining).  The doctor said girls tend to do things a little quicker than boys even at this age.  I am loving hearing Anna Kate talk and see her smile-brightens my day.  I think its good for Caleb too because he is also getting a reaction back from "baby" (his name for Anna Kate).
She still has her blue eyes.  I am crossing my fingers that they will stay, but we won't know until 6 months or so.  We sure have a chubby baby on our hands though!  

Do you see similarities between Caleb and Anna Kate or us and her?  I think I didn't start seeing both Jarred and I in Caleb until he was a little older, but yet, other people could see the similarities.  So, do enlighten me if you see something, otherwise, we will know soon enough!  Pretty sure Anna Kate will have darker hair than Caleb though!!   

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