July 6, 2011

Everyday Activities

Anna Kate is getting SO big.  We weighed her on our scale this week, and she was 13.4lbs already!  We have her 2 month appointment next week which is just crazy considering we feel like she was born just yesterday.  We are having so much fun and the change from 1 child to 2 has been a smoother transition than we anticipated.  Once we got through the first couple weeks, things just flowed.  We are so thankful for that thats for sure.  She is sleeping 6-9 hours a night which is a huge blessing and she should be up to 9 consistently here soon.
Love this baby girl!

Caleb is hilarious!  We were building with his legos, correction, I was building and he was adding a few on here and there.  Then, he figured out he could step into what I was building.  All Daddy heard from the kitchen was me telling Caleb that I would build around him.  This was what Daddy saw!  Then, Caleb sat down and said, "seat."  Haha.  Cracked us up!

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