July 6, 2011

Visit with Grandma

The last day of Grandma's visit, we went to our favorite children's museum, Boonshoft.  Daddy hadn't been since our first time there in March, so it was fun watching Caleb show him around.  Caleb has grown up so much these last 4 months, it is incredible!
Peeking at the groundhogs.
Reading with Grandma.

Caleb showing Grandma and Anna Kate his computer.


  1. Your kiddos are too cute!!!
    Leah has that cherry/watermelon outfit too. She wore it today, actually- well, for a few hours and then it got pooped on. I bet you know how that goes!!! ;-)

  2. How funny-later that night Miss Anna Kate pooped through that outfit as well! Haha-at least it was easy to maneuver off!
