September 22, 2011

Apple Picking

For Labor Day, we decided to go apple picking with our good friends, Nate and Ashley.  The weather was mid-high 60s, just perfect!  Here is Caleb rocking his "baby sister" before we left.  I love my kiddos in their striped hoodies!
Here we are walking the orchard, picking some apples.  Caleb LOVED it!
I think he enjoyed eating the apples more than picking, they were all pretty small-his size for holding and chomping.

There were a few animals at Tuken Farms which Caleb enjoyed seeing and saying their names.  He has gone from saying "baaa" for sheep to just "sheep."  It is crazy how over night he started saying the animal names one by one.

Here is our happy, chubby girl!  This hoody is WAY too small for her now, but I wanted one last picture.  The picture below is the first day we brought her home from the hospital!  She has grown SO much!  She is such a happy, smiley, talking baby!

She has been rolling to her side lately, so close to her belly in these pictures.  It only took her a week to start rolling fully to her belly!  Caleb rolled from his back to his belly only once as a baby, he preferred his back to his belly, so thats how he rolled.  We shall see if Anna Kate learns to roll from her belly to her back too.  Right now, she gets so frustrated laying on her belly for too long that I have to try and teach her to roll back-silly girl!

At this age, of 4 months, we learned from the doctor that babies' salivary glands start really kicking in and they find their hands, so that is why she is found drooling and chomping on her hands all the time.  It doesn't mean there are teething, which according to the doctor, she isn't. 

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