October 16, 2011

Birthday Party

We had Caleb's 2nd birthday party at the base housing clubhouse.  It worked out great considering we had 23 adults, 8 walking kids, and 5 babies!  It also has a playground behind it which was really good to keep the kids occupied.  Caleb had a great time!  He was so confused as to why all of his friends were in one place!  Now, when we have a play date with one of them, he asks if his other friends could play too.  It is really cute.

Anna Kate got to snuggle with some of our friends at the party.  Look how cute!  Mary was rocking her just right and when the clock struck 5 (her normal cat nap time), she passed out!

Caleb playing on the monkey bars with Daddy.

My lips were ready to help him blow the candle out, but he managed to do himself-so proud!
Yum.....ice cream come cupcakes!  No wrapper, just a yummy mess.

One of Caleb's best buddies, Jace.
Our baby girls had the exact same onesie on!

Grandpa with Anna Kate.
Caleb loved opening his gifts, although he was confused as to why there were gifts for him and he wanted to play with each toy as they were opened.  Maybe next year he will understand the birthday party concept.  He was adorable saying "thank you" to everyone after each gift!  He is such a blessed boy!
Here is one of his "older" friends, Sam, who was so cute and helped Caleb with each toy.
Here are most of the kiddos!  We are missing a few walking kids and a couple babies!

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