July 13, 2012

Father's Day at the Zoo

 This girl makes us smile :)  She gave Jarred a VERY memorable Father's Day weekend by having 2 explosive pee diapers, one on a highchair in a restaurant and one on his lap a few hours later; poop explosion  out of her diaper in the same day while she attempted to eat it sitting in her own high chair; and to top the weekend, at the zoo Anna Kate threw-up/spit-up on his head while riding on his shoulders!  I have never laughed and cried SO much!  The spit-up was too much, I still laugh so hard I cry thinking about it all!  Later at the zoo, Caleb managed to pee on Jarred's shoes while Jarred took him to the bathroom.  Jarred is a great Dad and I wouldn't say he was excited to have all of this happen to him in 2 days, but he was pretty good natured about it.  It makes for a great story (if I can get the words out without crying and laughing).

 The Cincinnati Zoo has cheetah races which was pretty cool to see.  I thought it would have been more involved, but not bad.  There were 2 cheetahs that ran twice around chasing a toy with food in it.   

Beautiful peacock.

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