July 13, 2012

Group Pictures On Our Trip To California

 Visit to Paradise, CA to visit with Great-Grandpa & Great-Grandma Burley.

 Train ride in Jamestown with Grandpa & Grandpa.

 Lego time at the house in Copperopolis.  Caleb LOVED playing legos, loved it.
 Our visit with Grandpa-Great and Grandma-Great Zierman in Modesto, CA.
 Gotta love frozen yogurt with the grandparents, great-grandparents and Aunt Charity with the cousins.  Caleb loved playing his "family."

 Anna Kate finally warmed up to Grandma-great after I gave her a bracelet to play with :)
 Big Tree place-I will the get name later :)

 Yosemite National Park

Caleb and Anna Kate driving a little cadillac at Grandpa-Great and Grandma-Great's house-they had a blast!

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