March 27, 2011

Beginning of March Pictures

 This would be "Caleb's drawer" in our kitchen.  He figured out that he could empty it and climb into it.  Not the safest thing to do, but had to catch a picture anyways.  I will testify to this, that he hasn't done this little act since.  Not sure if its because he remembers the drawer closing on him and him falling backwards, or if he just doesn't remember that he did this, but either way........this is not allowed again!
 He was so proud of himself!!
 He likes to wear "hats" no matter what it is!

 Caleb has discovered how to climb into the laundry basket now.  I can give him a few books and Penny gives him her toy and he stays in there a long time.  I finished making dinner one night while he was "chillin'" in the laundry basket!  If I could him to fold the laundry instead of throwing it or wearing it as hats, then we would be in business!

This is one of the few attempts he made to get out of the basket.  Since then, he whines for help out which is a little bit of a pain considering he is capable, so we are working on getting to that point again!
Well, thats about all the pictures for now.  I have a ton more from out trip to Colorado this past week for Jarred's spring break, but I will wait a week or so to post those.  My goal is to begin and finish Caleb's 1 year baby book before Baby Girl arrives in 8 short weeks along with everything else I have put on my "to do list."  Hope you enjoyed the pictures over our last few months!!  Caleb is getting so big and that hair of his is looking more like a mullet everyday.  Jarred and I will be cutting it soon, like tonight.  If we botch it too bad, then I will take Caleb somewhere tomorrow, but hopefully giving him a fruit popsicle will keep him still! :)

February Pictures

 Caleb LOVES books these days.  He will bring books to you, sit down in your lap and for the most part, listen to the whole book.  We have been trying to be more interactive with our reading and having him repeat words and point to things.  He is learning so much everyday!  Penny likes to get in on the action too!
 Caleb found the "light button" in the fridge, so notice.......light off.
 Light on.........
 And......Caleb learned how to reach up and open the back screen door.  So, whenever it is warm enough outside to keep the door open, I have now had to latch the screen so Caleb doesn't escape.  He really likes when Daddy is outside grilling because he gets to open the screen and say, "hi-d" which translates to "Hi Daddy."
 So pleased with himself!
 Caleb helped me bake Jarred's birthday cake, well.......Caleb more or less helped lick the beaters.

 Caleb likes to try on our shoes and attempt to walk in them!

 We have a drawer in our kitchen that is "Caleb's drawer."  We have some kitchen things in there along with aprons.  Caleb tries to put his own apron on but can't seem to be able to loop it around his neck too well.  So, I assisted a little bit, folded it up and tied this apron on for a fun picture!
I also had to get one of us together!  My little helper!

We do get a few warmer days where we can take walks and go to the park.  Notice Caleb's longer hair!  All of sudden he had a ton of hair!

January Visit from Grandpa and Grandma

 Grandpa and Grandma came to visit us the end of January.  It was pretty cold, to say the least, so we did a lot of things inside.  And, when I say cold, I mean in the lower teens which is too cold for snow and just bone-chilling cold.  We have somewhat adjusted to the cold to where when it reaches 32 degrees we think its
"not too bad" outside.  Haha......what our Albuquerque friends would do if they lived here!
 Caleb thought he could help Grandpa with his cards :)
 Everything is a toy to Caleb!

 I didn't post all the pictures leading up to this one or the others taken with Caleb.  He was just not wanting his picture taken, so what did we finally do........gave him a remote to hold and he would actually sit for us! remote, but not too bad!!
We had a fun time hanging out with Grandpa and Grandma and apparently forgot to take more pictures.  We visited the museum of the Presidential planes, went to Chic-fi-la to play on the playground, visited the 2nd Street market and played with all of Caleb's toys while they were here.  We truly had a great time!  We love visitors, hint hint, wink wink. :)

January 11-20th Pictures

 Caleb LOVES pears!  He just digs right in which is too funny and just soaks himself!

 Caleb also likes to pose for pictures now putting his hands up to face and saying "cheese."

 For those of you who don't know, Caleb LOVES buttons and cannot get enough.  I was in a fruit shake kick for a few weeks and let Caleb help me by pushing the blender buttons.  I also let him indulge with me!!

Here is one of Caleb's good friends, Liza.  Liza is 11months older, but those two have SO much fun together.  Caleb first starts out by watching everything Liza does, then tries to mimic everything she does.  He has learned how to do quite a few things, as one can imagine!  One of the cutest things is seeing Caleb plop down on Liza's lap while she is reading a book hoping she will read to him.  Sarah (Liza's mom) and I have tried so hard to get a picture of this, but can't seem to catch it in action.  We are really bummed that Liza and her family are moving in just a few short weeks.  Caleb knows Liza's name and really loves hanging out with her.  Besides, Jarred and I have loved living near Sarah and Jordan too!

January Visit From Uncle Stephen

 The beginning of January, Uncle Stephen came to visit during his Christmas break.  Of course, it snowed and was really cold, so we went to the Air Force Museum on base.  There are 2 parts to the AF Museum; one off base where it has a ton of history and planes and the other one is on base where you can either take a bus to (if you don't have a military id) or drive to.  The museum on base has the presidential planes and the "experimental" planes.  It is huge.  Caleb LOVES it - mainly because we let him walk and run around.

 You are able to walk into most of the presidential planes which is really fun to see how the insides have changed over time.  There was even FDR's plane with the elevator you could walk through.
 This is to give you an idea of how big this museum is.  I believe it is 2 hangars large and the other museum is 3-4 hangars.  A must see in Dayton!

We had a good time with Uncle Stephen and we think Stephen enjoyed hanging out with us :)  This trip in particular, I realized how different a married life with kids and a college life differ.  We had a great time though learning new card games from Stephen, playing with Caleb who is never still and showing Stephen around Dayton a little bit.

March 6, 2011

A couple pictures

Here are a few pictures that were taken of us last night at a Going-Away-Party.  Oh, and I forgot that Caleb also says "bible" which is too cute too!

Above is our good friend, Karina.

March 5, 2011

New Words

I am sorry I have not posted anything lately.  Believe it or not, but we reached our maximum on picture storage on our computer, shocking I know. :)  Caleb is just too darn cute and well, I like taking pictures.  Between the two, we have A LOT of pictures.  Since Jarred uses the computer for school that we have all of our pictures on, I have been scared to do anything on the computer in fear that it would crash and Jarred would come home from school with me crying and apologizing profusely that I locked up his computer.  And......since Jarred has been super busy with school and me not communicating out loud(key word here: outloud) that I have been patiently waiting for him to find us an external hard drive, I have been sitting on 100 pictures or so to share.  To make this story longer for you to read, we just our hard drive in last week and have been downloading pictures like crazy to make room for me.  I may not be able to get more pictures up on our blog until spring break though since this is crunch time for Jarred with finals and a presentation coming up in the next week.  With all of this being said, it has been requested that I share some news about the Burley family.  Caleb is growing like a weed and learning SO much.  Jarred and I are so amazed at all of his new words and the different ways he has come up to communicate with us.  I could not imagine wanting to say words, but not being able to actually say them, but Caleb is too funny in the way he does let us know.  For instance, when Caleb is hungry, he will go to the fridge and try to open it, then go to his high chair and say "upl (translated to "up please"), then if that doesn't get our attention, back to the fridge.  Makes me smile.  When he really wants some food that we may be cutting or thats on the table, he will put his hands to his mouth, breathe loudly and look like he just can't contain himself much longer until you give him what he is wanting.  I must admit that we are excited for Baby Girl to come, but we are having SO much fun in the meantime hanging out with Caleb.  So without further ado, here is a list of all of Caleb's words:
  • upl (up please)
  • apple
  • nananana(banana)
  • cheese
  • please
  • hi
  • bye
  • house
  • boat
  • duck
  • baaaa(sheep)
  • moooo(cow)
  • HAPPY (our favorite)
  • baby
  • doctor
  • dog
  • boooo(book)
  • millllll(milk)
  • water
  • all done
  • daddy
  • mama
  • enny (Penny)
  • turtle
  • eyes
  • papa
  • nana
  • he nods for thank you(he thought of that on his own)
I think that is it.  I am sitting here just trying to think if there are any other words.  It seems like there are new ones all the time, so its hard to remember.  I think that is all for now.  I will try and put some pictures of up soon.  We have had so much going on the last few months that I cannot wait to share with you all.  Until then.