July 24, 2011

Caleb and Anna Kate

It has been so stinking hot here in Dayton, that we have been using our little pool almost every day.  We will either do it early morning or after dinner.  Above is Caleb hanging out after being in the pool-he is drying off a little bit more.  Jarred found it funny to see Caleb like this, so he snapped a couple shots.

I think she gets bigger by the minute!
We pulled out the activity mat for Miss Anna Kate and I left the room and came back to find Caleb crawled under it playing with his sister.  Too cute!

I was trying to catch a smile-I will get it soon I hope!
We got a package in the mail with a TON of bubble wrap.  Caleb accidentally stepped on the bubble wrap and heard a pop-so we spent the next half hour stomping on it, jumping, and even dancing.  Penny just hid from us.  I think thats her under the far table!

More Fun Times

Here is Caleb working on his computer with his favorite "treat" in his mouth-a sucker!  He LOVES suckers!  He gets one when we go to story time-it helps keep him still a little,
Caleb was working along side his Daddy!  My boys.
Here is our sleeping beauty.
I took so many pictures of Caleb sleeping, that I had to slip in a few of Anna Kate in similar poses!
Caleb loves to cook with me. He grabs his little apron and gives me mine and we get cooking!!  I try to have at least one recipe a week that Caleb can help me with.  We made puppy chow (muddy buddies) which are chex mix coated in melted chocolate/peanut butter and powder sugar!  I gave Caleb his own bowl after trying to stop him from taking the chocolate chips out of the bowl and putting them back in or in his mouth!  He had a better time with his own bowl.  Then, to shake the powder sugar bag, I gave him his own and we danced while we shook!  Haha!

2 Months Already!!

 Here is our baby girl, Anna Kate, at 2 months.  I cannot believe she is already 10 weeks old this week.  Time is sure flying by this time around, perhaps going non-stop ALL day everyday chasing a toddler and taking care of a baby does that!  I am loving every minute of it!

At Anna Kate's 2 month appointment, she weighed in at 13lbs 9oz (93 %tile) and measured 23.5" long (74%tile).  Pretty incredible that babies can grow that fast.  She is sleeping up to 9 hours now at night which is a HUGE blessing, and will be moving to her own room soon.  Caleb will have to share his room with her soon enough though, but not until we can transition him into a "big boy" bed.  It seems like life with kiddos is full of transitions!
 Here is Caleb's 2 month picture where he was 13lbs 14oz and 24"long!!
 Here are my two cuties!  Anna Kate was smiling at her big brother!  She is cooing and smiling already which is so much faster than Caleb did (I am not complaining).  The doctor said girls tend to do things a little quicker than boys even at this age.  I am loving hearing Anna Kate talk and see her smile-brightens my day.  I think its good for Caleb too because he is also getting a reaction back from "baby" (his name for Anna Kate).
She still has her blue eyes.  I am crossing my fingers that they will stay, but we won't know until 6 months or so.  We sure have a chubby baby on our hands though!  

Do you see similarities between Caleb and Anna Kate or us and her?  I think I didn't start seeing both Jarred and I in Caleb until he was a little older, but yet, other people could see the similarities.  So, do enlighten me if you see something, otherwise, we will know soon enough!  Pretty sure Anna Kate will have darker hair than Caleb though!!   

Brother & Sister Moment

Here is Miss Anna Kate at 8 weeks old!!  She is getting SO big.  We have her 2 month check-up this week, so we will see how much she has grown-so exciting!

I had to get Caleb in a photo with Anna Kate to see them together.  They look somewhat alike, but I am sure as Anna Kate gets bigger, we will see more resemblances than just their big eyes.
Caleb, "All done, all done" as he pushes his sister away.
Please Daddy, all done.
Can I go now? (Caleb tried to reason with his Daddy using his eyes for inflection!)  Anna Kate is so ready for this to be done as well!
'Okay, I am out of here,' as Caleb leaves and Anna Kate is just disgusted-haha!

July 13, 2011

Funny Caleb Moments

Caleb is "discovering" things in a different way these days.  'Nuff said. :)

And, there he tumbles.

Caleb was suddenly REALLY quiet, too quiet.  I found him trying to slip on Anna Kate's onesie.  He managed at one point to put his foot in one of the sleeves.  Thats talent, if you ask me.

Oh that boy!
Watching him scoot to walk was hilarious!
He is playing more with his toys that move, like his train and cars and making their noise.  Such a boy.

Our Friends

Here is Caleb and his good friend, Jace.  Jace is 3 months older than Caleb and they are both in the same class at church.  The workers in church always ask us if Caleb and Jace are cousins.  They are simply adorable together!  Jace's mom, Mhari, and I switch off babysitting the boys sometimes.  The above picture is Caleb wanting Jace to sit on his chairs with him and color.

This is Caleb's other newly good friend, Ella.  She is 3 years old and lives two doors down from us.  Her family moved in a couple months ago and we have become instant friends.  They have a plastic pool with a slide that we have frequented this past week.  Caleb has LOVED it!

This is Ella's little brother, Luke, who is 4 months old which is 2 months older than Miss Anna Kate.  So, here the two babies are, hanging out on the blanket while the older siblings play in the pool.
Caleb is SO funny splashing around in the pool!  We are going to be getting our pool out this weekend, so we can two pools going!!

4th of July

We had a very relaxing 4th of July.  We went to a splash park in the morning where it was practically empty which was so nice.  Most people braved the parades throughout town-us on the other hand, didn't want to fight the crowds.  We opted for a picnic in the park followed by a great dinner at a friend's house.

Anna Kate is doing great-still taking lots of naps, but sleeping 9 hours at a time now!

July 6, 2011

Everyday Activities

Anna Kate is getting SO big.  We weighed her on our scale this week, and she was 13.4lbs already!  We have her 2 month appointment next week which is just crazy considering we feel like she was born just yesterday.  We are having so much fun and the change from 1 child to 2 has been a smoother transition than we anticipated.  Once we got through the first couple weeks, things just flowed.  We are so thankful for that thats for sure.  She is sleeping 6-9 hours a night which is a huge blessing and she should be up to 9 consistently here soon.
Love this baby girl!

Caleb is hilarious!  We were building with his legos, correction, I was building and he was adding a few on here and there.  Then, he figured out he could step into what I was building.  All Daddy heard from the kitchen was me telling Caleb that I would build around him.  This was what Daddy saw!  Then, Caleb sat down and said, "seat."  Haha.  Cracked us up!